Losing the curl a bit, but not the blue eyes |
Running the track that his daddy mowed in the long grass |
Zachary and Jasmine |
Lists the milo recipe as you make it "Minoh... soogah... hot... micki micki... mihk ...Oooo, Sanks!"
Z: Hooray! I did it! (climbed out of cot)
Z: Mino peese... Sanks!
Calls pink minties "pinties".
Calls his brother and sister "Byrie" and "Dazzy" (or "Jammy")
Got taken to the doctor after another long cold.
Z: No! 'Way! (cries) MY! (keeps on fighting with his brother and sister... in his sleep Ü )
Mum: You can't have a DVD.
Z: Why?
Mum: 'cause you're wet and I have to change you.
Z: Oh dear!
Nov 27. Weight 14kg.
Z: Pintie?
Mummy: "Mmmmmmm mintie"
Z: MmmmNo!
Z: "burps" the words "excuse me". :)
Z: "do0-AAAAH" (meaning "Ta Da!")