Friday, February 5, 2010

January, 2010

Here are some pictures of our new baby boy, Zachary Ethan Rankin. He was born at 12.39am by caesarean, after 23 hours of non-labor (in which he pulled the plug but refused to come out). I had an epidural at lunchtime on the 21st, followed by 2 litres of syntocin (going for the record). By 11pm the "dilation" had reached 3 whole cm, so the doctors threw up their hands and asked if I'd like a caesar instead. They stamped "failure to progress" on my report card, and sent me to theatre, which was interesting and painless (as had been the whole day) and whipped out our little 4100g baby.
Previous photo

New photo Ü

Resting with Mummy later in the morning


He was born at 12.39am on Jan 22, 2010, weighing 4100g (9lb 1oz), 53.5cm long and with a 36cm head circumference.
The few days were spent in hospital, where he'd sleep all day and be restless all night, while I recovered from the operation. Daddy, Byron and Jasmine would visit each morning. He settled down a lot after coming home on Jan 26. He slept better at home, and I slept whenever I needed to. He did well with feeding and quickly gained back his lost weight, though he needed to go onto bottles after about a week.
He hardly wakes up! I'd forgotten how much newborns sleep, but Zachary is a very relaxed baby. He sleeps through the noises of his sibs (Byron is 2.5 and Jasmine is 1.5), wakes up for drinks and goes back to sleep, and is hardly ever upset over "nothing". So far, he's been a pretty perfect baby!